Be Wellthy Biohacking Quiz
I’m Brandon Wilson. I am constantly working toward improving my mind, body, and spirit using various ancient techniques and cutting-edge biohacking tools and devices. I want to be healthy, but not at the expense of being happy. This simple idea is what it means to be wellthy.
First time reading? Let’s get you in the club.
I had to travel out of town unexpectedly this week, so I’m mixing things up. For Club Members, I’m sorry I don’t have an audio voiceover this week. I do have a ten-question quiz based on topics I’ve covered in my newsletters. It’s time to find out who's been paying attention. The answers are at the end of the newsletter.
Be Wellthy Biohacking Quiz
These are the organelles in our cells that produce ATP.
A. Lysosome
B. Cytoplasm
C. Mitochondria
D. Nucleus
E. Ribosome
Aerobic metabolism transforms one molecule of glucose into this amount of ATP.
A. 3
B. 12
C. 22
D. 31
E. 39
Which musical instrument is used for stress, depression, blood pressure, focus, and balancing the chakra system?
A. Piano
B. Harp
C. Violin
D. Drums
E. Flute
Which color suppresses appetite?
A. Red
B. Green
C. Pink
D. Blue
E. Orange
All of these activities are recommended in conjunction with a sauna experience EXCEPT:
A. Drinking electrolytes
B. Dry brushing
C. Using a phone while in the sauna
D. Meditation
E. Whole-body vibration
Which one of these is NOT one of the five elements?
A. Water
B. Earth
C. Fire
D. Gravity
E. Aether
All these foods are in the EWG’s Clean 15 list with the fewest pesticide residues EXCEPT:
A. Strawberries
B. Carrots
C. Avocados
D. Mushrooms
E. Asparagus
Calorie for calorie, protein breakdown takes ____ percent more energy to digest than carbs and fat.
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 20%
E. 30%
Be Wellthy has recommended adding all of these to drinking water EXCEPT:
A. Hydrogen
B. Salt
C. Fluoride
D. BEAM minerals
E. Lemon juice
Eating food in this order can minimize glucose spikes by up to 75%.
A. Proteins/fat, veggies, starches/sugar
B. Veggies, proteins/fat, starches/sugar
C. Starches/sugar, veggies, proteins/fat
D. Veggies, starches/sugar, proteins/fat
E. Proteins/fat, starches/sugar, veggies
The Daily Habit is where I share my habits related to the fundamentals: sleep, diet, physical activity, mindfulness, and stress management.
Use Jim Kwik’s F.A.S.T. method to learn anything faster and more effectively:
FORGET what you know about the topic. You have to empty your cup before you can fill it. Forget about the other things going on in your life when you sit down to learn. Finally, forget about your limitations. All behavior is belief-driven.
Be ACTIVE with what you are learning. Focus on establishing habits to make it a regular activity.
All learning is STATE-dependent. Information combined with emotion becomes a long-term memory. Pay attention to the state of your mind and body while you are learning.
TEACH the information to someone else. Find a partner with whom you can teach new skills, and you’ll learn twice.
Free raffle entrants: Tobias L., Barbara S.
Be Wellthy Club entrants: Scott L., Amy E., Ariel E., Renata B.
Free subscribers can still enter to win one monthly raffle prize. Club members get an automatic entry each month to win one of two monthly raffle prizes. All you have to do is email the correct answer to each week’s brain training, and you will be entered into a monthly raffle to win cool biohacking prizes. You must be a subscriber to win! I do respond to every email.
This week:
Homographs are a type of homonym in which two or more words are spelled the same but have different meanings. Give the two definitions, identify the homograph for each pair of clues below.
A brand of wristwatch and a legal resident of a country.
The astrological birth sign for June and July and a large group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth.
Generic term for an item of clothing worn on the upper part of the human body and a child’s toy.
Experience the hallucinogenic effect of LSD and stumble over an object.
A small fruit and a bird.
Two years ago, I shared the Bulletproof Diet roadmap, which has been one of my guiding resources for food intake. Whenever I start to go off the rails, I like to have a reminder of foods that work for me.
Quiz Answers
C. Mitochondria (Red laser newsletter)
E. 39 (Red laser newsletter)
B. Harp (Harmonic Egg® newsletter)
C. Pink (Harmonic Egg® newsletter)
C. Using a phone while in the sauna (Sauna newsletter)
D. Gravity (Five elements newsletter)
A. Strawberries (You are what you absorb newsletter)
E. 30% (Avoid diet mistakes newsletter)
C. Fluoride (Future newsletter topic)
B. Veggies, proteins/fat, starchers/sugar (5 glucose hacks newsletter)
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